Having the correct meal time will let the schools serve without having to Switch Menus on the POS and having the popup message on every student for serving Breakfast at Lunchtime. 

District Wide Setting

1. This setting will set all schools to have the same setting in each of the different school types. The setting is located in the Point of Service tab, Management and Meal Types. At the bottom of the page is Meal Timings. 


2. Select the Site Type that you would like to change, by clicking on the arrow icon to the left of the name. For this example the district wants to have all Elementary Schools Breakfast start at 5:00 am, until of 6:00 am. 

3. Click on pencil icon to edit the time.

4. This will open the Start and End Time. Select the Clock Icon, and click on the designated time that you would like the time to start. Once you are done click Update to save your changes.

5. Breakfast is now reflected correctly. 


Single Site Setting

Sites have the ability to set their own individual times specific to them. 

1. To set this Site setting it is found under the System tab, Sites and Users and Sites. Find the site that needs to be changed.


2. Under the POS Category select Yes for the setting “Use custom meal type settings for this site”.


3. When it is switched to Yes it will give the option for “Get Timings” and this will show the timings that the school is currently using. 


4. We need to change the Breakfast for this one site to be 6:00 am instead of 5:00 am. Click the pencil, change the Breakfast End Time and click Update.

5. Changes are now reflected correctly.