A Special Roster is a list of students that will be fed at the same time in a group. A roster makes serving easier as it lets you select only the students that will eat that meal. 

To Create a Special Roster follow the steps below:

1. Go to POS> Administration> Special Roster

2. Click Add on the right hand side.  

3. Enter a Special Roster Name, and select the site it will be associated with, then click OK. 

4. The Special Roster is now created and it will show on the Special Roster Homepage. To add students to the roster, select the Hyperlink shown under the Roster Name. 

5. Click Add on the right hand side to select the students that will be associated with that roster. 

6. Once you are done Click the Save button in the bottom right corner. It should produce a message (at the top of the page) saying that it saved successfully. 

7. The Roster will now populate on your POS or ExpressPoint devices.