Districts will usually have their letter templates ready for the new school year to begin in order to send out their letter to household, grace period, approval/denial notice, etc. However if their letter needs to be edited they can revise them to suit their needs.

Go to Student Eligibility>Configuration>Letter Templates. 

Select which “Letter Type” district wants to edit, then click “Apply”.

The template marked with a check mark under “Active” is the current template being used.

Click on the hyperlink in order to edit the letter.


You will be able to edit the letter here.

Once the revisions have been made, click “Save As”. Set the templates name and select “Set this Template as Active” in order for the new letter to pull. Then click “OK”.

You can also insert a field into the Letter. The letter has both hard coded (typed information) and also “fields”.  The fields pull information from PrimeroEdge to populate into the letter, these are designated by <<Brackets>> around word(s).  These can be added and removed. To remove a field, you have to highlight the field (as shown below on the name of District) and then click the backspace or delete button on your keyboard.