To Create a Menu – go to Menu Planning > Menus > Menus and click on “Add New Menu”



You’ll need to fill out some of the sections on this page before it will allow you to create the menu – these fields are:


Meal Pattern, Meal Type, Site Group, a Menu Description, and Serving Group with at least 1 in the Projected Meal Count. Once those are filled in, you’ll be able to click “Add New Menu”


Once you click the “Add New Menu” button, and it saves the page… it will open a small section at the bottom of the page – and you’ll be able to select the “Add Menu Items” button to insert the items that you want to ultimately appear in the Production Plans.



You’ll be able to click the Checkbox next to each of the items that you want on the menu, and then click the “Add” button:




The items that you marked will then show up in the “Menu Items” section. You’ll be able to enter in counts (even if you only enter a “1” in each box – this will only affect the nutrient analysis reports, and will NOT be reflected on the Production Plan pages).

Once you enter numbers on that page, you’ll click on the “Save” button on the lower left hand corner or the top right corner of the page, and you’ll have created a Menu.