In order to fill out a Production Plan, you will go to Production> Plan and Record> Plan. Then select the site and date that you wish to work with.



In the Production Plan, enter the Planned Counts for each Serving Group and Menu Item.



If there are items that are not on the Production Plan, you can click on Add Menu Item to add them.



Once you have selected the menu item that you wish to have on the menu, then click on “Add Menu Item” to have it show up on your Production Plan.



You can now select the auto fill button to fill in the counts for Menu Item’s that appear on your Production Plan. In the dropdown you can select three options: Previous Plan, Menu Planning Counts, and Forecast Counts.


Previous Plan will pull the planned counts from the last selected date that you served the plan.

Menu Planning Counts will pull the counts from the menu under the serving group section. Forecast Counts looks at each Menu Item Category for the highest serving % available, and then the relative popularity of each item based on the last 3 servings within the last 3 months.



Once you are done you can then Save the Plan to come back to it later, or Save the Plan as Complete if you are ready to move on. You will receive a notification at the top saying that your plan has been saved successfully, and the status should change to Plan Complete.