Most districts will do a physical inventory on a month by month basis, some will do less. If a district is unable to start a new physical inventory, it could be due to a previous one being started but never finished. The incomplete physical inventory will need to be either cancelled or completed in order to start a new one.

Go to Inventory>Inventory>Physical Inventory

In the Search Criteria section, fill in which site is trying to start the inventory, then fill in a date range you want to look through (some may be incomplete from the previous school year), and select Physical Incomplete under status. Select Apply.

This will generate a list of Incomplete Physical Inventories. In order to cancel or complete them, you will need to click on the View hyperlink.

If you are saving the inventory as either complete or to cancel, scroll to the bottom of the page and select either of the two options to Cancel your Inventory or Save as Complete.

If you are cancelling the order, it will ask to input a comment. Then click Cancel Physical Inventory.

If saving As Complete, they’ll need to put in date/time count was done, who the count was done by, and a comment. Then click Save As Complete.

Once done, a district will be able to start a new Physical Inventory.