Each SchoolCafé district has a short URL, it is similar to a custom homepage on the SchoolCafé webite. In order to edit the URL, please follow the steps below. 

Log into your district’s admin account at www.schoolcafe.comOnce logged in go to the Configuration >> District Profile page.

On the District Profile page click the Pencil icon.

When you click the pencil icon the Edit District Short Name pop-up window will open as shown below.  You are now ready to enter the new short name, which follows the “https://www.schoolcafe.com/”.  Please note that you might need to delete backspace to clear out the current name.  As you enter the short name you may see the District’s Custom URL field also update.  If not, after entering the new name click anywhere in the box to see the updated URL display.

Once you are finished entering the new short name, click the Save District Short Name button to save your changes.

In this example the district’s short URL is  https://www.schoolcafe.com/SchoolCafeSupport

The district’s Child Nutrition office can add this link to their school district webpage and other resources they have available for their parents.Below is what this district’s parents will see when they land on the page at the URL above.