RDA Pricing (Grade-Group Pricing)

RDA stands for Recommend Dietary Allowance. The reason that some districts use RDA is to be able to serve the students the right price of their meal no matter which school they are served at as it goes off of their grade level not the school type.

When you are using RDA (Grade Group Pricing), you will be charged based on your enrollment grade and not site type.

Example: Elementary student is eating at the middle school. They will be charged the elementary price vs the middle school price.
Example: Elementary student is eating at the high school. They will be charged the elementary price vs the high school price.
Example: High school student is eating at the middle school. They will be charged the high school price vs the middle school price.

Standard Pricing

Standard Pricing goes off of the school type of Elementary, Middle and High School. When you are using Standard Pricing, you will be charged based on the site type and not your enrollment grade.