If you have an item such as an ingredient, recipe or menu item that needs to be changed, instead of going through each menu to find it, and then manually change it you can use the Find and Replace function to replace them all at one time.

1. Go to Menu Planning> Ingredients> Find and Replace

Select whether you would like to Find and Replace, or Find Only.

2. Under Find, select either an ingredient, recipe, or menu item. Then what you would like to replace it with. 

3. Under Replace, select the new ingredient, recipe or menu item that you will use instead.

4. Select the Action of what you would like to do, and then enter in the New Recipe Name and Quantity. 


Copy & Discontinue: Make a copy of the Recipe and Menu Item, and discontinue the old ones.

Copy: Make a copy of the Recipe and Menu Item leaving the old status the same.

Replace Only: Use the same Recipe and do not copy (not recommended).

4. Once you are done entering the information, click Next. 

5. The item is now replaced with the new information.