DC is short for Direct Certification. Direct Certification is a process that provides students with free meal benefits (or in the case of Medicaid, free or reduced) based on their families’ participation in government assistance programs such as SNAP, TANF, FDPIR, or Medicaid (also known as Medical Assistance). DC based on Medical Assistance is only available in a few pilot states (PA, WV for sure, perhaps others as well).

District level customers that are not on a state hosted environment will receive this list from their State Agency and have the ability to upload the file into PrimeroEdge. A district may also extend benefits to siblings of qualified students. The option to extend benefits to siblings automatically is also available in the system. 

District level customers that ARE on a state hosted environment, such as PA and WV, will simply access their DC list through PrimeroEdge as they do not personally upload a DC file. The option to extend benefits to siblings automatically is also available in the system.

Districts not using PrimeroEdge for Student Eligibility will access PrimeroEdge to perform sibling matches . They can then download a file to use in their system of record.