This document will walk you through how to create a claim in PrimeroEdge.

1. First make sure your Rates are set. Go to System> Configuration> Reimbursement Rates. You will see rates set for each program that you have configured. 

2. Then go to Point of Service> Reimbursements> Reimbursement Claims. You will see all the claims created for previous months. 

3. To create a claim, select the period you want to create a claim for and click apply. 

4. Click on the button for the Period selected that says Create Claim. 

5. A claim is now been created for the month of January. If there are any changes to the claim data (meals added or subtracted, meals price type changes), you will need to re-create the claim by clicking on the button at the lower right. This button regenerates the claim with the most recent data.

You are also able to see reports tied to your claims. 

1. In your claim, click on Report to select Summary, Detailed, or Advanced. 

  • Summary:The summary breaks out the count and amount for each classification and eligibility type for the entire district.  You will also get totals for each eligibility, and an overall reimbursement total.

  • Detailed: The detailed version of the claim report takes the summary information and breaks it down according to site. It will also display based on your program configuration, so if you have both severe need and non-severe need SBP (School Breakfast Program), meal counts will show in the appropriate category for that site. 

  • Advanced: The advanced version of this report breaks the total down by site, meal type, and then count and amount for each eligibility status. There are also sub-totals for each school as well as totals for each column.