This document will walk you through the basics of Production. 


Production Plan

1. Go to Production> Plan and Record> Plan. Select the site from the dropdown, and menu line that you would like to work with.

2. Enter in the Planned Counts for each serving group, and each Menu Item. 

3. Click Save Plan as Complete when you are done. You will receive a green confirmation message letting you know that the Plan was Saved successfully and the status is changed to Plan Complete.

Production Record

The Production Record tab allows users to enter in their final information at the end of the serving period. If they printed and filled out their Technician's Worksheet, they can enter the information from that sheet onto this page in PrimeroEdge. They do still have the ability to Add Menu Items to the Production Record, before saving the Record. 


If items from the meal are able to be carried over to different dates, those can be set by the Default Date at the top of the page to apply to items throughout the Record, or item by item as the user goes down the page. Click on the Calendar Icon next to Carryover will open up a calendar to select dates form. 

Carryovers will be reflected on the Production Plan that they've been assigned to from a Production Record. 

 Auto Fill

Clicking the Auto Fill button will open up a small window with a calendar that allows you to choose other dates and pull the numbers based on a copy of the Same Menu, a Similar Menu, or another menu entirely.

Once you select a date, the date will be displayed below the calendar and the Auto Fill button will no longer be grey. You can now select the auto fill button to fill in the counts on Menu Item that appear on both calendar dates. 

Add Menu Item

Clicking on the Add Menu Item button will open up a small window that will allow you to select a Menu Item that doesn't currently appear on your Production Plan, and ad it to the Production Plan so that you can Plan and Serve this additional Menu Item. Click on the Menu Item that you'd like to add. 

Once you select the item that you wish to add to the menu, you can confirm the serving size of the item, and then click on the "Add Menu Item" button to have it show up on your Production Plan. 

Technician's Worksheet

The Technician's Worksheet allows the managers to print out a worksheet which they can fill out through the day with the details of their service. This sheet will display the serving counts from the Production Plan, and enable them to write in the coordinating details regarding Actual Servings Produces, carryovers, Waste, HACCP Information, and any other notes they might want to enter into PrimeroEdge for informational purposes. 

Production Form

The Production Form is intended to be a printable form for use at the end of the day after the Production Record has been completed. It is accessible from both the Production Plan and the Record pages, and can be printed from either location. 

Production Ticket

The Production Ticket allows Managers to select the Menu Items that need printed recipes (scaled based on their planned counts) to be printed- they can select to print only the ones that they need- click Generate and those recipes will come up for them.