This document will walk through when a Deposit Slip should be created, how they are created, the different ways they can be used, including how to change and void deposit slips.


Creating a Deposit Slip

A Deposit Slip must be created any time money is collected in a session under Reconciliation. 


There are 2 ways to create a Deposit Slip. Clicking on the button in Reconciliation will save a couple of mouse clicks.

Clicking on the Deposit Slip button will open the Deposit Slip screen


By default, the date will always show todays date. If you need to create a Deposit Slip in the past be sure to change the date to the correct date of the session to be deposited. Click the Apply button to create a Deposit Slip. 


When the correct denominations have been entered that amount will show in the Deposit Total on the Summary.

Different ways to use the Deposit Slips

The system checks for money collected and deposited. 

Some schools (central offices) may make multiple deposits a day.  They may break up how they want to show specific amounts related to Lockbox Imports, payments and meals done on the POS.

NOTE – As long as the amounts add up correctly for the day the system won’t give errors or variances.

Editing a Deposit Slip 

If the amount of money that has been deposited in PrimeoEdge has changed or was entered incorrectly it can be fixed by editing the amount. To edit the Deposit Slip, go to the Point of Service tab, Administration and Deposit Slip.

Select the date and find the deposit that need to be corrected. Clicking on the Deposit Slip No. that is a link will open it for editing.

Make the corrections to the Denominations or Checks as needed, leave a comment and click Save. 

NOTE – Anytime you edit a Deposit Slip a comment has to be entered.

The updated Deposit Slip now shows the new amount to be $26.50. 

Voiding a Deposit Slip

Voiding a Deposit Slip to a zero amount is similar to editing as shown above. Voiding is just removing all of the money and checks and not showing anything to deposit.  For an example here is what the Void of the above Deposit Slip that we changed to $26.50.


To Void a Deposit Slip, remove all Denominations and Checks. Leave a comment and click Save