This document will walk you through understanding the different types of Suspicious Transactions. 

Clear Item:

When any item is selected on the menu grid and then the cashier clicks the CLEAR button to remove an item one at a time.


Voids out the Sale.

Cancel Change due:

After items are chosen, If the cashier hits one of the pre-populated cash buttons: $1, $5, $10, $20 a pop up will appear. It allows the cashier the decision to give the student cash back from their cash payment (frequent denominations button). They can also choose the option to put the change due onto the students account (include balance checkbox). However, if they hit cancel at this point in the process, it will show as Cancel Pre Pay on your report.

Cancel Pre Pay:

The user hits the Payment button.


The user clicks one of the prepaid amounts or enters a dollar amount and then hits the Cancel button.