This document will walk you through how to complete Production Orders.

1. Confirm that the dates that you are going to place an order for are all in "Plan Complete" Status (Yellow Text) on the calendar. 

2.  On the Production Orders Page, set the date range for the dates that you wish to create orders for. Select the Checkbox if you want to submit only one order for Each Vendor who will by supplying your items, or leave it unchecked if you want multiple deliveries according to their schedule. Then click Apply. 

3. A list of Vendors will display on the page. Their items will show in the list below the vendors section. The quantity that you should order to complete your services for those dates will be filled into the boxes. It will also take into account the quantities that you currently have in your inventory as well as the quantity that you'll be serving prior to the orders. 

4. You can then add any other items that you need to order, before clicking the Next button. 

5. Once you are done, click Save Orders as Complete, and an order will be generated under Inventory.