Accountability > Settings > Menu Grids

Adding a Menu Grid allows users to create Menu Grids to use on the POS application per Menu, Meal Type, Site Type, or Days Allowed.

  1. Click the NEW button in the top right corner of the page
    The Add Menu Grid page displays.
  2. In the Menu Grid Info section, enter the following information:
  • Enter the Menu Name
  • Select the Meal Type
  • Select the Site Type
    Multiple site types can be selected.
  • Select the Days Allowed
  • Click the Enabled toggle switch to make the Menu Grid active for cashiers to use on the POS application
    The toggle will illuminate purple to indicate an active Menu Grid.
  • Click the Is Template toggle switch to save the Menu Grid as a template that can be used when creating future Menu Grids

 3. Select the number of Rows and Columns that will appear on the Menu Grid Layout
     The Menu Grid Layout cannot exceed 5 Rows and 6 Columns.

 4. Search for Menu Items or Categories using the search criteria

 5. Drag the Menu Item/Category button(s) to the desired location on the Menu Grid Layout

An error message will appear if the Menu Item or Category buttons exceed the set number of rows and columns.

Menu Item/Category button sizes can be adjusted and rearranged as desired.
Use the UNDO and REDO buttons atop the Menu Grid to change your actions quickly.
The following icons are available for each Menu Item/Category that is placed on a Menu Grid:

  •  - Use this icon to edit or delete a Menu Item/Category
  • - Use this icon to move a Menu Item/Category button
  • - Use this icon to resize a Menu Item/Category button

  6. Click the SAVE button to create the new Menu Grid
      A confirmation response appears atop the page, and the Menu Grid is added.
The new Menu Grid will appear on the Menu Grids page.

      Repeat this process to add additional Menu Grids as needed.