Accountability > Sessions

The Sessions function allows users to

  • Find unbalanced Sessions
  • Resolve Unbalanced Sessions
  • Reconcile Sessions

Reconciliation is used to determine whether the actual amount received at the POS Terminal matches the calculated amount online based on transactions for that day.

Reconciliation is a required End of Day task and must be completed for every Session generated in SchoolCafé.

The user may encounter a Session that fails to meet the district’s balance criteria and that Session cannot be reconciled until it has been balanced.

Find Unbalanced Sessions

  1. Select the Site Code/Site Name, Status, and Date 
  2. Click the SEARCH button
    Session information displays in the table below.
  3. Identify the CLOSED unbalanced Session
    Any Session that has an amount other than $0.00 is unbalanced.

Reconcile an Unbalanced Session

  1. Click the Reconcile icon for the desired Session
    The Reconciliation page displays.
  2. View the orange message indicating THIS SESSION IS NOT BALANCED
    The software evaluates the Total Over/Under to determine if the Session is balanced.
  3. In the Summary section, review Cash, Checks, and Cards amounts for the Cashier and System
  • System reflects the calculated amount for transactions conducted during the Session.
  • Cashier reflects the closing amount entered during the POS closing process.

Resolve an Unbalanced Session

  • Step 1: Check the opening or closing balance details for incorrect denominations
  • Step 2: Check the Session transactions for incorrect transactions
  • Step 3: Adjust the Session

Step 1: Check the opening or closing balance details for incorrect denominations

Check the Opening Balance Details

  1. Review the opening balance
  2. If incorrect, click the Edit Pencil icon next to the Opening Date/Time/Balance
    The Opening Balance pop-up window displays.
  3. Make the necessary corrections to the Opening Balance details
  4. Click the SAVE button to retain changes
    If the correction balances the Session, view the new orange message stating THE SESSION IS BALANCED AND READY TO RECONCILE.
    Proceed with reconciling the Session.
     If not, review the closing balance details.

Check the Closing Balance Details

  1. Review the closing balance 
  2. If incorrect, click the Edit Pencil icon next to the Closing Date/Time/Balance
    The Closing Balance pop-up window appears.
  3. Recount the cashier’s closing balance
  4. Verify Coin and Bill denominations and correct any errors
  5. Verify applicable check numbers and amounts and make any corrections
  6. Click the SAVE button to retain the changes
    If the correction balances the Session, view the new orange message stating THE SESSION IS BALANCED AND READY TO RECONCILE.
    Proceed with reconciling the Session.
    If this does not resolve the unbalanced Session, complete Step 2.

Step 2: Check the Session transactions for incorrect transactions

Correcting a Transaction can include:

  • Edit Transaction
    • Add an Item
    • Sales Quantity
    • Remove an Item
    • Changing payment methods
  • Add Transaction
    • Adding an Item
    • Add payment

Check for incorrect transactions within a Session

  1. Scroll to the Transactions section at the bottom of the Reconciliation page
  2. Identify transaction(s) to correct
  3. If a correction is needed, see Edit and Add Transaction Guide to perform a correction
    If this does not resolve the unbalanced Session, complete Step 3.

Step 3: Adjust the Session

Adjusting the Session is the last step to reconcile an unbalanced Session.

This option applies an adjustment amount to the Session, making it eligible for reconciliation.

  1. In the This Session Is Not Balanced section, click the ADJUST SESSION button
    A pop-up window displays.
  2. View the following:
  • Cashier responsible for the Session
  • Amount to Adjust (Number in brackets reflects a negative amount)
  • Comments (Required)
  • Previous Comments

  3. Enter the required Comments for the adjustment

  4. Click the SAVE button to apply the adjustment
      A green THE SESSION IS RECONCILED statement appears.
      The status changes to RECONCILED.
      Click the BACK button to return to the Sessions page.