Accountability > Sessions

The Sessions function allows users to

  • Find CLOSED Sessions
  • Reconcile Sessions
  • Close an OPENED Session to reconcile

Reconciliation is used to determine whether the actual amount received at the POS Terminal matches the calculated amount online based on transactions for that day.

Reconciliation is a required End of Day task and must be completed for every Session generated in SchoolCafé.

Find a CLOSED Session

Only CLOSED and BALANCED Sessions are eligible for reconciliation.

  1. Select the Site Code/Site Name, Status, and Date
  2. Click the Search button
    Session information displays in the table below.
  3. Identify the Session with the CLOSED status and $0.00 Over/Under to reconcile

Reconcile a Closed Session

  1. Click the Reconcile icon for a CLOSED Session
    The Reconciliation page displays.

  2. Review the Summary details
  3. Verify this message is displayed in orange - THE SESSION IS BALANCED AND READY TO RECONCILE
  4. Click the RECONCILE button
    A green THE SESSION IS RECONCILED statement displays.
    RECONCILED displays in green.
    Click the BACK button to return to the Sessions page.

Close an OPENED Session

The user may force close an OPENED Session to be able to reconcile.

Force closing an OPENED Session is not a best practice and is not recommended as it may cause data loss and unbalanced Sessions.

  1. Select the Site Code/Site Name, Status, and Date
  2. Click the Search button
    Session information displays in the table below.
  3. Identify the Session with the OPENED status and $0.00 Over/Under to close
    Ensure all service is complete before closing an OPENED Session.
  4. Click the Reconcile icon for the desired Session
    The Reconciliation page displays.
  5. THIS SESSION IS NOT CLOSED message displays in orange
    Only CLOSED and BALANCED Sessions are eligible for reconciliation.
    Follow the steps below the orange message to close the Session.


  • Wait for the cashier to close the Session at the POS terminal
    Once CLOSED, reconcile the Session.
     If the cashier is still serving, force closing an active Session may cause a loss of transactions.
  • Correct all incorrect transactions before closing the Session
    See the Edit and Add Transactions Guide for more information.
    See the Unbalanced Sessions Guide for more information.
  • Close the Session by clicking the Edit Pencil icon next to the Closing Date/Time/Balance
    The Closing Balance pop-up window displays.

Closing Balance Window:

  • Click the SAVE button
    THE SESSION IS BALANCED AND READY TO RECONCILE message displays in orange.
    The CLOSED status displays in green on the right-hand panel.
    If THE SESSION IS NOT BALANCED message displays with the ADJUST SESSION button; see the Unbalanced Session Guide.

 6. Click the RECONCILE button
     A green THE SESSION IS RECONCILED statement appears, and the status changes to RECONCILED.
Click the BACK button to return to the Sessions page.