Accountability > Transactions > Exceptions tab > Duplicate Meals

Duplicate Meals within the EXCEPTIONS tab identifies students who were served more than one Reimbursable Meal during a meal serving and allows the user to resolve the additional meal(s).

Resolving Duplicate Meals is required before generating a reimbursement claim.

View Total Duplicate Meals Exceptions

  1. Select the EXCEPTIONS tab atop the page
  2. Ensure that Duplicate Meals is selected
  3. Select either Site or Student from the Search By options
    A Search by Student ID or Name field will display if Student is selected.
  4. Enter the Search By criteria and Meal Type
  5. Select from the Approved Eligibility options (Free, Reduced, and Paid)
  6. Select the Year, Period, and Date Range from the dropdowns
    If Daily is selected, a From field will display.
    If Date Range is selected, a From and To field will display.
  7. Click the APPLY button
    If Duplicate Meals exist, student information will display in the table below.

Resolve Single Duplicate Meals

  1. Click the Arrow left of the desired Student ID to expand their information
    You can use the EXPAND ALL button to expand all student’s information in the table.
    Duplicate Meal details display, along with the following Options:
  • Keep as Reimbursable Meal
  • Charge as Second Meal/A La Carte
  • Remove Meal

        2. Select the Keep as Reimbursable Meal (Pencil) icon for the meal you want to keep

            You can only select one of the meals listed as the Reimbursable Meal.

            The selected option will illuminate green.

  3. Select either the Charge as Second Meal/A La Carte or Remove MealOptions for the additional meal(s)
      Once meals are resolved, patron accounts are automatically updated when applicable.
4. Click the SAVE button to confirm the selections

      A confirmation response appears atop the page, and the Duplicate Meal is resolved.

     Repeat this process to resolve additional Duplicate Meals as needed.

Resolve All Duplicate Meals

You can use the RESOLVE ALL button to resolve all Duplicate Meals listed in the table.

  1. Click the RESOLVE ALL button atop the table
    The Duplicate Meals slide deck displays.
    Read the information available to assist you in your decision.
  2. For Enrollment Site, select either the Second Meal or Delete radio button as desired
  3. For Other Site, select either the Second Meal or Delete radio button as desired
  4. Click the SAVE button
    A pop-up window displays.
  5. Click YES to confirm the selection
    A confirmation response appears atop the page, and the Duplicate Meals are resolved.
    Repeat this process to resolve additional Duplicate Meals as needed.