Accountability > Claims

The Claims function allows district users to create, review, re-calculate, and export Reimbursement Claims for submission to their state.

Before using the Claims function, ensure that the following processes are done within the claiming period:

  • Attendance Factor is set
  • Sessions are closed and reconciled
  • Meal Exceptions are resolved
  • Edit Checks are reviewed

View Reimbursement Claims

  1. Select a Year and Period from the dropdowns
  2. Click the APPLY button
    Claims display below.

Create a Claim

A claim can only be created for periods that a claim has yet to be created.

You can only create a claim once. However, if meals are adjusted, you can re-create a claim within an open period.

  1. Identify the period you wish to create a claim for
  2. Click the Actions icon for the desired period, and options display
  3. Select Create Claims from the options listed
    A confirmation response appears atop the page, and the claim is created.
  4. Preview or export the claim
    See the Export/Preview Claim section for more information.

Export/Preview Claim

Once a claim has been created for a period, an Export/Preview option becomes available for that period.

  1. Identify the period you wish to export or preview a claim for
  2. Click the Actions icon for the desired period, and options display
  3. Select Export/Preview Claim from the options listed
    The Export/Preview Claim page displays.
  4. Select an option from the Export/Preview Claim dropdown
  5. Click the PREVIEW button to display a preview of the export
    Use the slide bar to view all columns.
  6. Click the EXCEL button to export this information into Excel
  7. Click the EXPORT button to export this information into a .txt file
    The EXPORT option offers a preformatted file to import into select state systems.

Re-Create a Claim

You can only create a claim once. However, if meals are adjusted, you can re-create a claim at any time within an open period.

  1. Identify the period you wish to re-create a claim for
  2. Click the Actions icon for the desired period, and options display
  3. Select Re-Create Claims from the options listed
    A confirmation response appears atop the page, and the claim is recreated.
    Repeat this process to re-create a claim as needed.

View Claim History

You can view the history of changes made to a claim using the History icon.

  1. Identify the claim period you wish to view
  2. Click the History icon for the desired claim period
    The History slide deck displays.
  3. View History information such as Generated By, Generation Date, Program, and Amount
    You can click the Download icon for a specific event in History to view its details.