Accountability > Claims

The Claims function allows users to

  • View Reimbursement Claim History
  • Generate Reimbursement Claim Reports by Site or District
    The available reports depend on the programs configured for the district.
  • Create claims
    This is covered in Create Claims Guide.

Search for Reimbursement Claims

  1. Select the Year
  2. Select the Period
  3. Click the APPLY button
    The claim information displays in the table below.

Select a Claim Period

  1. Identify the claim period you are searching for
    The History (Clock) icon allows you to view the history of the claims.
    The Actions (Three-Dot) icon allows you to view reports, create claims, and re-create claims.
  2. Click the Actions (Three-Dot) icon
  3. Select Reports
    The Reports page displays.

View Reports

The Reports page has three tabs to view the Reimbursement Claim Reports.



The Summary Report Type is a high-level view of the total meals served, days of operation, and reimbursement amount for the entire district.

  1. Ensure that the SUMMARY tab is selected
  2. View the General Information such as the Program, Number of schools, Days in operation, and ADA
  3. View the number of Students Approved (Free and Reduced)
  4. View the Meal Counts information per Program
  5. View the Notes at the bottom of the report
    Click the X to return to the Claims page.


The Detailed Report Type provides the reimbursement information broken down by each site within the district, along with the total meals and reimbursement amount.

  1. Select the DETAILED tab
  2. View the Meal Count information per site and program
  3. View the district eligibility counts
    Click the X to return to the Claims page.


The Sites List displays dates for each site and program participation.

  1. Select the SITES LIST tab
  2. Clicking on the arrow next to the programs will expand or collapse the site’s details
  3. View the program information by site
    Click the X to return to the Claims page.