Account Management > Accounts 

The Accounts function allows users to create a student account manually when a student is not included in the student file import.

If the district uses a student file import, the manually added student must be added to the file to maintain their Active Status.

The information on the student file import will overwrite a manually added student.

Add a Student Account

  1. Click the NEW button in the top right corner of the page, and options appear
  2. Select Add Student
    The Add New Student page displays.
    The Add New Student page has a process wizard on the left-hand side that illuminates purple, indicating which section you are working in.


  1. Enter the student’s information as desired
  2. Enter Enrollment and Eligibility information as desired
    Fields indicated with an asterisk are required.
  3. Click the NEXT button
    The student account has been successfully created. 
    The Student section changes, allowing you to add a profile picture for the student.
  4. Use the Drag & Drop File Here option or click the SELECT FILE button to upload a profile picture of the student if desired
    Uploading a student profile picture is not required.
  5. Click the NEXT button to proceed 

Guardian & Contact Info

Guardian and contact information are required for all students.

  1. Click the ADD button
    The Add Guardian section appears.
  2. Enter guardian information as desired
    Fields indicated with an asterisk are required.
  3. Click the ADD button to save guardian details
    The added guardian and their information are displayed on the table.
    Guardians can be edited and deleted once added to the table.
    Repeat this process to add additional guardian and contact information as needed.
  4. Click the NEXT button to proceed

Household Members

If students are of the same household within the district, their information can be added in this section.

  1. Click the ADD button
    The Add Household Member slide deck appears.
  2. Enter the Name or ID of a patron to search and add to the household
  3. Click the SAVE button
    The added household members and their account information are added to the table. 
    Repeat this process to add additional patrons to the household as needed.
    You can click the SAVE & CLOSE button to return to the Accounts page.
  4. Click the NEXT button to proceed


The Restrictions section allows users to enter applicable restrictions for a student's account.

  1. Enter optional restrictions into the fields or select them from the dropdowns
    Hover over an Exclamation Mark icon to view a description of the restriction.
  2. Click the NEXT button to proceed 


The Allergens section allows users to add applicable food allergies that a student has.

Allergen information is required.

If a student has no food allergies, it must be indicated.

If no allergies are indicated

  1. Click the No allergens indicated checkbox  

If there are allergies indicated

  1. Click the dropdowns for Common Allergens or Custom Allergens as needed 
  2. Select allergens from the list of Common Allergens or Custom Allergens as needed
    An Allergen Feature Disclaimer is displayed at the bottom of the page for additional information.
    You can click the SAVE & CLOSE button to save the information and return to the Accounts page.
  3. Click the NEXT button to proceed

Documents & Comments

This section is optional.

  1. Use the Drag & Drop File Here option or click the SELECT FILES button to upload documents
    Uploaded files populate to the right side of the page with options to download and delete.
    The Checkmark icon indicates that the document was correctly uploaded.
  2. Enter Comments as desired
  3. Click the SAVE & CLOSE button to save the student account
    A confirmation response appears atop the page.
    You are returned to the Accounts page.
    Repeat this process to add additional students as needed.