Account Management > Notifications > Reminders tab

The REMINDERS tab allows users to view, print and/or email students’ account balance reminders based on a specific student, balance, or print criteria.

A valid email address in the Guardian & Contacts section of a patron’s Account Info page is required to send reminders electronically.

Notify Students

  1. Select the REMINDERS tab atop the page
  2. Enter the optional Patron Criteria to narrow the results
    The available fields are subject to the selected patron Type.
  3. Select from the Balance Criteria options:
  • Below a specific dollar amount
  • Between two (2) dollar amounts
  • Above a specific dollar amount
  • All Balances

  4. Enter the balance amount based on the selected Balance Criteria
     Negative dollar amounts are represented by a minus sign (-$2.00).

  5. Select from the Balance Options:

  • Exclude $0.00 – Accounts with $0.00 are excluded from the results.
  • Exclude No Charge – Accounts with No Charge restrictions are excluded from the results.

  6. Select from the Print Criteria:

  • Single – One individual reminder per page.
  • Multiple (3) – Three individual reminders per page.

  7. Click the APPLY button
      Reminders display in the table below.

  8. Click the Checkbox(es) for the student(s) you wish to notify
      Clicking the header checkbox will select all listed students.
      The checkbox will illuminate purple for a selected patron.

  9. Click the NOTIFY button
      The All Options slide deck displays.

10. Select the Letter Format

  • Individual – One reminder per patron per address.
  • Household – Consolidates multiple reminders into one by address.

11. Select from the Email/Print Options

      The number in the parentheses indicates the number of reminders that will be emailed or printed.

      Email notifications require a guardian email address in the student account details.

  • Email/Print: Emails are sent and use the browser standard for printing.
  • Email Only: The notification is sent to the designated email, and a success message will appear.
  • Print All or Print Only: Use the browser standard for printing.

12. In the Print Options section, select a Sort By method

13. Click the NOTIFY button, and the system will execute notifications based on the selections
      You are returned to the REMINDERS tab.