Eligibility > Direct Certification > Potential Matches

The Potential Matches function allows district users to use the

    • Potential Match Scorecardto view students matching factors and
      • MATCH
    • Match History allows users to view past transactions associated with a student match file
  • REVIEWED tab
    • Potential Match Scorecardto view students matching factors and
      • MATCH
    • Match History allows users to view past transactions associated with a student match file


The SEARCH & REVIEW tab allows users to review, match or mark potential matches as reviewed.

  1. Ensure that the SEARCH & REVIEW tab is selected
  2. Select from the Points Filters
    The Custom filter allows users to set the percentage range by sliding the points to the desired percentage amounts.
  3. Click the APPLY button
    The results display below.

Action(s) for Potential Match Scorecard 

  1. Click the ScoreCard icon for the desired student
    The Potential Match Review slide deck displays.
    The Potential Match Review slide deck allows you to

  2. View the MATCHING FACTORS table to determine if the student is a match or not

  3. Click the Show Comparison Scorecard toggle switch on
      The COMPARISON SCORECARD displays the student’s Personal Information, Contact Information, and ID Numbers.

Viewing the COMPARISON SCORECARD provides additional matching factors to determine if the student is a match or not.

  4. Click a right-facing arrow for each available dropdown as desired to expand the information

  5. View the points awarded to determine if the student is a match or not

  6. Enter a comment in the Add Comment field
     Comments are required to confirm the match or dismissal.

  7. Click either the MARK AS REVIEWED or MATCH button

  • Use the MARK AS REVIEWED button to verify that the student was reviewed and is not a match
  • Use the MATCH button to link the student

 A confirmation response appears atop the page.
The student is matched or dismissed.
Repeat this process to review additional students as needed.

View Match History 

The Match History displays a series of past transactions associated with a student match file.

  1. Click the Match History icon for the desired student
    The Match History slide deck displays.
  2. Click the arrow to expand or collapse the match details
    Click to close the slide deck.
    You are returned to the SEARCH & REVIEW tab.


The REVIEWED tab allows users to access potential matches that were either Reviewed or Matched.

  1. Select the REVIEWED tab
  2. Select from the Points Filters
    The Custom filter allows users to set the percentage range by sliding the points to the desired percentage amounts.
  3. Click the APPLY button
    The results display below.

Action(s) for Potential Match Scorecard 

The Potential Match Review slide deck allows you to review student files that were MARKED AS REVIEWED or MATCHED.

Use the Show Reviewed and Show Matched toggle switches to filter the list by Status.

  1. Click the ScoreCard icon for the desired student
    The Potential Match Review slide deck displays.
    The buttons display for the student depending on their status.
  • REVIEWED - MATCH button is displayed.
  • MATCHED - UNMATCH & MARK AS REVIEWED button is displayed.

  2. View the MATCHING FACTORS table to determine if the student is a match or not

  3. Click the Show Comparison Scorecard toggle switch on

The COMPARISON SCORECARD displays the student’s Personal Information, Contact Information, and ID Numbers.

Viewing the COMPARISON SCORECARD provides additional matching factors to determine if the student is a match or not.

  4. Click a right-facing arrow for each available dropdown as desired to expand the information

  5. View the points awarded to determine if the student is a match or not

  6. Enter a comment in the Add Comment field

Comments are required to confirm the match or dismissal.

  7. Click the button that displays

  • Use the MATCH button to link the reviewed student
  • Use the UNMATCH& MARK AS REVIEWED button to unmatch the student and mark them as reviewed

A confirmation response appears atop the page.

The student is matched or dismissed.

Repeat this process to review additional students as needed.

View Match History 

The Match History displays a series of past transactions associated with a student match file.

  1. Click the Match History icon for the desired student
    The Match History slide deck displays.
  2. Click the arrow to expand or collapse the match details
    Click the X to close the slide deck.
    You are returned to the REVIEWED tab.