Eligibility > Forms > Applications

The Applications page allows the user to

  • Process applications
  • View the application
  • Edit the different sections of the application
  • Send notifications

Applications page

  1. On the Applications page, click the PROCESS button in the top right corner
    The Application Details page displays.
    View the number of Processed and Available applications.
    Use the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons to move from one application to the next as needed.

Application Details page

On the application details page you can

  • View each section of the application
  • Clicking the section names on the right-hand side of the page will navigate you to that section of the Application Details page
  • If available, click the section(s) Edit (Pencil) icon to edit the information if needed
    • The Received Date and Language are displayed and can be edited by clicking the Edit (Pencil) icon
      Notifications are sent in language selection when a corresponding language template is configured.
  • View the Application Number and Status on the right-hand side of the page

The status of the application will determine the buttons that are visible.

PROCESS APPLICATION & QUIT – Use this button to process the current application and then return to the Applications page.

  • Click the PROCESS APPLICATION & QUIT button
    The Add Comment slide deck displays.
  • Enter a comment before proceeding to process the application if you have not already
    You are returned to the Applications page.

PROCESS APPLICATION – Use this button to process the application if it is not already processed, and when completed, bring up the next application that needs to be processed.

  • Click the PROCESS APPLICATION button
    The Process Application slide deck displays.
  • Enter a comment in Add Comment section
  • Click the SAVE button
    A success message displays.
    You are returned to the Applications Details page.

NOTIFY – Use this button to send notifications to the applicant.

  • Click the NOTIFY button
    The All Options slide deck displays.
  • Select from the Email/Print Options
    The number in the parenthesis indicates the number of notifications that will be emailed or printed.
    Email notifications require a guardian email address in the student account details.
  • Email/Print: Emails are sent and follow the browser standard for printing.
  • Email Only: The notification is sent to the designated email and a success message will appear.
  • Print All or Print Only: Follow the browser standard for printing.
  • In the Print Options section, select the Sort By method
  • Click the NOTIFY button and the system will execute notifications based on the selections
    A confirmation response appears.
    You are returned to the Application Details page.


  • MARK AS PENDING – Use this option to mark the application as pending.
    Use this option in case future changes are needed.
  • REFUSE BENEFITS – Use this option to refuse benefits.
    The REFUSE BENEFITS slide deck displays.
    • Select the Result
    • Enter the Start Date
    • Enter a comment in the Add Comments field
    • Click the SAVE button
      You are returned to the Application Details page.
  • DELETE – Use this option to delete the application.
    A Confirmation slide deck displays.
    If there are any students on this application, this action will return them to their previous eligibility.
    • Select a Reason 
    • Enter a comment in the Add Comments field
    • Click the DELETE button
      You are returned to the Application Details page.
  • ADD TO VERIFICATION – Use this option to add this application to the verification process.
    A Confirmation message displays.
  • APPLICATION IMAGE – Use this option to view a preview of the submitted application with options to export and print.
  • EXPORT – Use this option to export the application as a PDF to send or print as needed.
    The user may generate applications with or without Details, Eligibility, Comments, or History.