Eligibility > Reports

Eligibility Reports contain data regarding students’ current Eligibility Statuses and Eligibility changes.

Users can access the reports at any point during the school year.

Application Counts Report

The Application Counts Report lists the total number of all applications, broken down by eligibility status and eligibility reason.

  1. Select Application Counts
    The Application Counts Report page displays.
  2. Select the Site(s) as needed
  3. Pick the Date as needed
  4. Click the GENERATE button to generate the report
  5. View the report results
    Click the DOWNLOAD button to export the report as a PDF or EXCEL file.
    Click the X to close the report.
    Click the BACK button to return to the Eligibility Reports page.

CEP Identified Students Report

The CEP Identified Students Report shows students who have been CEP identified as of a given date.

  1. Select CEP Identified Students
    The CEP Identified Students page displays.
  2. Select the Academic Year as needed
  3. Select the Site(s) as needed
  4. Select the As of Date as needed
  5. Select the Options (Summary or Detailed)
  6. Click the POWERBI (BETA) button to generate the report
  7. View the report results
    Click EXPORT to export the report into various file formats.
    Click the X to close the report.
    Click the BACK button to return to the Eligibility Reports page.

Direct Certification Counts Report

The Direct Certification Counts Report lists eligibility totals based on the Direct Certification.

  1. Select Direct Certification Counts
    The Direct Certification Counts Report page displays.
  2. Select the Site(s) as needed
  3. Pick the Date as needed
  4. Click the GENERATE button to generate the report
  5. View the report results
    Click the DOWNLOAD button to export the report as a PDF or EXCEL file.
    Click the X to close the report.
    Click the BACK button to return to the Eligibility Reports page.

Eligibility Summary Report

The Eligibility Summary Report displays the total number of all students, broken down by site, eligibility status, and eligibility reason.

  1. Select Eligibility Summary
    The Eligibility Summary Report page displays.
  2. Select the Site(s) as needed
  3. Pick the Date as needed
  4. Click the GENERATE button to generate the report
  5. View the report results
    Click the DOWNLOAD button to export the report as a PDF or EXCEL file.
    Click the X to close the report.
    Click the BACK button to return to the Eligibility Reports page.

Income Surveys Report

The Income Surveys Report provides the percentage of economically disadvantaged students, as well as the number of surveys broken down by household size and income data.

  1. Select Income Surveys
    The Income Survey Report page displays.

Economically Disadvantaged Report

The Economically Disadvantaged Report will only show income survey data based on patron survey submissions. The count on this report is based only on income surveys.

  1. Select the Economically Disadvantaged Report Type
  2. Select the Site(s) as needed
  3. Click the GENERATE button to generate the report
  4. View the report results
    Click the DOWNLOAD button to export the report as a PDF or EXCEL file.
    Click the X to close the report.
    Click the BACK button to return to the Eligibility Reports page.

Income Range Count Report

The Income Range Count Report will show counts based on the household size and eligibility (Free, Reduced, and Paid).

  1. Select the Income Range Count Report Type
  2. Select the Site(s) as needed
  3. Click the GENERATE button to generate the report
  4. View the report results
    Click the DOWNLOAD button to export the report as a PDF or EXCEL file.
    Click the X to close the report.
    Click the BACK button to return to the Eligibility Reports page.

Roster Report

The Roster Report allows users to generate a customized view of students using various filters.

  1. Select Roster
    The Roster Report page displays.
  2. Enter the As of Date as needed
  3. Select the Site Code/Site Name as needed
  4. Select the Grade as needed
  5. Select the Eligibility as needed
  6. Select the Basis as needed
  7. Enter the Birth Date as needed
  8. Click the APPLY button to generate the report
  9. View the report results
    Click the EXCEL button to export the report.

Click the BACK button to return to the Eligibility Reports page.