Eligibility > Verification > Sampling

The Sampling function allows users to generate sample applications used in the verification process. Users can select to auto-generate the sample for a date in the future, or they can generate it for the current day.

Schedule Verification Samples

  1. Click the SCHEDULE SAMPLE button in the top right corner of the page
    The Create Sample page displays.

The Create Sample page has a process wizard to help guide you while creating a verification sample.

Click the CANCEL button at the bottom to return to the Sampling Page & Info page.

Once a process wizard icon turns purple, click on it to return to that section.

Verification Type

Answer the following question regarding the Verification Type.

  1. How would you like to have your verification samples scheduled this year?
    1. A single sample (Standard)
    2. Multiple smaller samples (Rolling)
  2. Click the NEXT button to proceed

Sample Process

Answer the following question regarding the Sample Process.

  1. Which sample method you are using this year?
    1. Standard (formerly Error Prone)
    2. Alternate One (formerly Random)
    3. Alternate Two (formerly Focused)
  2. Click the NEXT button to proceed

Verification Dates

Answer the following questions regarding the Verification Dates.

  1. What dates should be used for rolling samples?
    If A single sample (Standard) were selected from the Verification Type section, this question would not be visible.
    1. Click the ADD DATE button, and the Add Date slide deck appears
    2. Enter the Sampling Date
    3. Click the SAVE button in the bottom right corner of the page to return to the Verification Dates section
      The added Sample Date appears in the Rolling Verification table and can be deleted.
  2. What date should be used for final sample?
    1. If needed, edit the Sampling Date
  3. What date should students be counted on for the Verification Collection Worksheet (FNS-742)?
    1. If needed, edit the Verification Collection Date
      If one of these dates falls on a weekend, they should be moved.
      A comment is required if either date is changed.
  4. Click the NEXT button to proceed

Exclude Sites

  1. Deselect the site(s) that should be excluded for verification
    Clicking the checkbox in the section header will deselect ALL sites.
    Sites operating under special provision programs (CEP/Provision II) should remain selected.
  2. Click the SCHEDULE SAMPLE button in the bottom right corner of the page to schedule the sample
    A confirmation response appears atop the page, and the sample is scheduled.
    The sample generates in the background (overnight) based on the scheduled date. It does not generate in real-time.
    Repeat this process to schedule additional samples as needed.

From the Sampling Page & Info page, the following buttons are available for each Verification Sample:

HISTORY – Use this button to view the sampling history. This information includes the Action, who committed the action, and the Action Date.

RECALCULATE – Use this button to recalculate the samples after they have been generated at any time.

EDIT SITES – Use this button to edit sites on the spot. If any sites/schools should be excluded for verification, they can be deselected.

ADD DATE – Use this button to add more dates if you are using rolling samples.

DELETE – Use this button to delete and reset the verification sample. Applications added for Cause will be available after samples have been regenerated.

Once complete, navigate to the Tracking function to view applications and generate notifications.