Eligibility > Forms > Applications

The Applications function has three tabs that allow users to perform various actions.

ALL tab

  • View details of applications
    • Edit details of applications
    • Process applications
    • Notify households of their application status
    • More Actions
      • Mark as pending
      • Refuse benefits
      • Delete
      • Add to verification
      • Application image
      • Export
  • History of applications


  • View application details
  • Delete applications
  • History of applications


  • Search for students
  • Edit details
  • View match details

ALL tab

The user can view all applications.

  1. On the Applications page, ensure that the ALL tab is selected
  2. Select the Academic Year, Site Code/Site Name, Grade, Entry Method, Status, and Benefits
  3. Click the APPLY button
    Results display below.

Action(s) for Applications: View and History

View Application Details 

  1. Click the View (Paper) icon for the desired application
    The Application Details page displays.

Application Details page

  1. View the Application Number and Status
  2. View the Eligibility
  3. PROCESS APPLICATION – Use this button to process or reprocess the application.
    A comment is required to save if the application is currently in Pending or Processed Status.
     The Status of the application determines if this button displays.
  4. NOTIFY – Use this button to notify the student/household regarding their application Status.
  5. MORE ACTIONS – Click this button to select additional application actions.
    See the MORE ACTIONS section below for details.
  6. View the Received Date and Language. Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to edit this information.
    When a corresponding language template is configured, notifications are sent in the language selection.
  7. Section Links – Clicking on one of the section names will navigate you to that section.
    See the information below for section details.

The Application Details page sections are

  • Summary – Displays the Latest Application Action, Application Status, Turnaround Time, and Language, as well as the Timeline Status.
  • Students – Displays information regarding the student(s) on the application.
  • Household Members – Displays all household members included on the application along with applicable income.
  • Contact Information – While optional on the application, this section displays contact information for the applicant.
  • Details – Displays other benefits and demographic information.
  • Notifications – Displays the history of notifications sent tied to this application.
  • Comments – Displays reference comments added to the application and the option to add comments when necessary.
  • Documents – Displays supporting documents added to the application with the option to add additional documents when necessary.
  • Application Status History – Displays the history of changes applied to the application’s status.
  • Adult Signature / SSN – Displays the social security number associated with the application as well as if the application signature was confirmed.


The actions that display are dependent on the status of the application.

  • MARK AS PENDING – Once changes are made to the application, this option can be used to mark the application as pending.
  • REFUSE BENEFITS – Use this option to refuse benefits. The Eligibility determination and the basis for that eligibility appear. Select a Result, Start Date, and enter a comment to refuse benefits.
  • DELETE – Use this option to delete the application. If any students are on this application, this action will return them to their previous eligibility. Select a Reason and add a comment to delete the application.
  • ADD TO VERIFICATION – Use this option to add this application to the verification process.
  • APPLICATION IMAGE – View a preview of the submitted application with options to export and print.
  • EXPORT – Export the application as a PDF to send or print as needed. The user may Generate Applications with or without Details, Eligibility, Comments, or History.


  1. Click the History (Clock) icon for the desired application
    The Application History slide deck displays.
  2. Click a row in the table, and information displays in the Changed Value(s) section
    A key is available, notating the Old and New changed value(s).
  3. View the Application History information


Some applications that fail to meet the criteria for automatic processing or have been manually placed in Pending and display in the PENDING APPLICATION tab.

  1. On the Applications page, select the PENDING APPLICATIONS tab
    Pending applications display.

Action(s) for Pending Applications: View, Delete, History

View Application Details 

  1. Click the View (Paper) icon for the desired pending application
    The Application Details page displays.
  2. Navigate to the Summary section to view the Pending Reasons


  1. Click the Delete (Trash Can) icon for the desired pending application
    A Confirmation slide deck displays.
  2. Select the Reasons for the deletion
  3. Enter a required comment
  4. Click the DELETE button in the bottom right of the page to confirm
    If any students are on this application, this action will return them to their previous eligibility.


  1. Click the History (Clock) icon for the desired application
    The Application History slide deck displays.
  2. Click a row in the table, and information displays in the Changed Value(s) section
    A key is available, notating the Old and New changed value(s).
  3. View the Application History information


Occasionally, applications are submitted before students are entered into the district’s database or with missing or incorrect student information for the system to match it correctly.

The user can either correct the pending error or attempt to match the student by searching the database.

The user can view the Pending Reason in the Details section of the submitted application.

  1. On the Applications page, select the PENDING STUDENTS tab


To process all matches on the tab

  1. Click the checkbox next to the application number
    You can select the checkbox in the header to select all applications with possible matches.
    The box(es) will illuminate purple.
  2. Click the PROCESS MATCHES button
    A Confirmation pop-up message displays.
  3. Select YES
    A confirmation message displays.


To find matches for the applications available within the tab

  1. Click the FIND MATCHES button
    A green checkmark displays in the Matched Status column if the system finds matches.

Action(s) for Pending Students: Search, Edit, View

Search for Students 

Search for students to link to the application.

  1. Click the Search (Magnifying Glass) icon for the desired student
    The Search & Match Student slide deck displays.
  2. Enter a student’s name into the Search Students field to generate the results
  3. Click the SELECT STUDENT button on the row of the desired student
    The Compare Details section displays.
  4. Compare the Application Details to the Matched Student
  5. Click the MATCH button at the bottom right corner to update the student’s information
    A successful match message displays.
    A green checkmark displays in the Matched Status column on the Applications page.

Edit Details 

  1. Click the Edit (Pencil) icon for the desired student
    The Edit slide deck displays.
  2. Update the student’s details as needed
  3. Click the SAVE button in the bottom right corner to update the student’s details
    A confirmation message displays.
    You are returned to the PENDING STUDENTS tab.

View Match Details 

A View icon displays for a student once a match is identified for that pending student.

  1. Click the View (Paper) icon for the desired student
    The Match Details slide deck displays.
  2. Compare the Application Details to the Matched Student
    Click the X to close the slide deck and return to the PENDING STUDENTS tab.