Sometimes students are entered into the system more than once. One is a duplicate and can be removed from the steps below. 

You will see the duplicate students when you search for them in PrimeroEdge:

1. Click on the “Merge Patrons” button under the POS> Patrons> Merge Patrons.

2. In the top portion of the page titled Original Patron select the student that you want to “KEEP” in the system:

3. In the lower half of the page titled Duplicate Patron, select the Duplicate student that you would like to merge with the Original. Make sure to Uncheck the Active Box under the Balance of the Duplicate student. 

4. To Merge the Patrons, click the Merge button in the lower right hand corner of the page. A warning message will appear letting you know this action cannot be undone. Click OK to continue. 

Once the students are merged together, the “old” student ID will have an M in front of it, indicating that its data has been merged with that of another student and it will now show up as inactive in the system.

The “KEEP” student ID will show up as “Active” and is now the ID for that student.